Gratuk has developed medical foods for treating acute inflammation from environmental factors such as alcohol consumption, long distance travel and intense sport activity.
Gratuk has developed biomolecular cytokine-based therapeutics for wound management and chronic disease in a range of pet and livestock animals, using molecular biology and transformed cell lines.
Gratuk has developed several separation protocols for different companies using HPLC, LC dye ligand pseudo affinity, true affinity and wet chemistry techniques. Molecules purified have ranged from small molecule contaminant removal from diesel fuel to large molecule mucins.
Gratuk has developed a range of analysis techniques for hard to separate and/or visualise biological molecules. The techniques used included gel electrophoresis, thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, GC-MS, ELISA, proteomics and western blotting. Molecules analysed have included antibody ligand complexes for cancer therapeutics, high molecular intestinal mucins, small molecule tear film peptides and blood proteins from mammals, birds, fish and other marine fauna.
Gratuk has provided advice for various supplement companies on labelling requirements, permitted ingredients, allowed claims and manufacturing requirements for launching products into the Australian market for both TGA and FSANZ approved products.
Gratuk has identified high quality ingredients for many 3rd parties that meet their requirements for efficacy and manufacturability.
Gratuk has advised companies on the most effective way to market the health benefits of their products, whilst remaining compliant to regulatory bodies. This has included preparing fact sheets, literature reviews, competitor product comparison and identifying new markets.
Gratuk has prepared SOPs and identified analysis requirements for the QC of a range of food and supplement-based products as well as advising manufacturing requirements and the various certifications required to meet Australian standards.